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awakening the innocent erotic

"The sex ed you wish you learned when you were a teen with the sensual wisdom you embody as a woman."

Women's Vitality Immersion

This is radial sexual re-education.




This 7 week series is a deep dive into activating the power and pleasure in your energy body, physical body, and creativity.

Join us for the next series to learn practices and perspectives to identify our mental blocks (personal narratives) and embody vitality, sensuality, and womanhood.


Normalizing Pleasure, Expression, & Primal Vocalization and Healing


Honoring Intuitive Intelligence,
Intimacy Building, & Self-Compassion


Connecting to and Rooting Your Creative Power, Life-Long Libido, & Sexual Health

"Leydon has such a magical way of holding a safe, expansive container for women to truly go into and explore their inner world.  Through these classes you will learn many practical tools and practices to heal and enhance your life. I personally found it most valuable to gather weekly with women and share our intimate and vulnerable experiences. I would 100% recommend any woman who is ready for deep inner transformation to take these classes. Each class left me feeling uplifted and hopeful for the future of women and our health and well-being."


Week 1: An Opening

Opening Creativity & Self Expression

In our introductory class we will welcome each other and set intentions, expectations, and guidelines for the weeks to follow. We will practice forms of expression through writing, partner work, and group singing. This class is all about edges and we will be finding and pushing edges as much as possible.

+ Welcoming Each Other
+ What to Expect from the Classes
+ Throat Opening and Emotional Embodiment
+ Vocal Embodiment, Singing Practices
+ Moving Through Creative Blocks
+ Identifying Your Inner Critic
+ Practicing Creative Flow


Week 2: Occupy Your Breasts

Breast Intelligence & Heart Opening

Our breasts are energetic epicenters of our emotions and sensuality. It is imperative to tend to them and remove any blocks or stagnant energy. In this class you will learn a daily breast massage technique to give your breasts optimum health and love. Daily breast massage can even change the size and increase the firmness of your breasts as you uplift them and infuse them with new energy. We wear our breasts directly over our heart space, so in this class we will also honor our hearts by following a guided meditation. 

+ Anatomy and Physiology of the Breasts from Eastern and Western Perspectives
+ Reclaiming Our Breasts and Body Image from Societal/Cultural Stigmas
+ Daily Breast Massage*
+ Heart Opening and Meditation

*See FAQ's Below

Week 3: Unlocking Your Orgasmic Potential

The Geography of Pleasure, Becoming Your Own Cartographer

In this class you will learn all about your vagina's pleasure potential from the inside out. We will discuss the Western, Eastern, and Metaphysical anatomy of the vagina and learn about the deeper layers of intra-vaginal, G-Spot, cervical, and full body orgasms. We will combine intention and breath work to circulate your energy while training your focus to deepen pleasure and surrender.

+ Anatomy and Physiology of the Vagina
+ Acupressure Points of the Vagina
+ Breath Work
+ Yoni Mapping
+ Microcosmic Orbit Meditation

Antelope Canyon

Week 4: Jade Egg Initiation

Everything You Need to Know for a Safe and Successful Home Practice

The yoni, the vagina, the womb. Our center of creativity and power. This is where creation comes from, so even when we are not creating a baby, we can still access our immense power of sexuality and sensuality for creative projects in our lives. In this class we will begin with a guided uterus meditation and jade egg activation. We will learn about yoni-self massage to help release tension and increase sensitivity. We will practice a form of Qi Gong specifically made for the female reproductive system that will help to cultivate and nourish our sexual energy, hormones, and emotions for the benefit of our overall well being. We will also learn how to use the jade egg to increase circulation, sensitivity, pleasure, connection, and power in our vaginas. In our society there is an epidemic of numb, painful, and disassociated vaginas. Jade egg work re-enlivens our vaginas, re-awakens their power for pleasure, re-strengthens our magnetism and ability to create, and reconnects our yoni, heart, and throat centers. Come ready to unlock your deepest and most unique power. Embody and root yourself fully. Engage your ability to trust the messages from your body Intuitive Intelligence) and open to your maximum pleasure potential (Expression and Sensual Play).

+ Indications / Contraindications for Jade Egg
+ Jade Egg Do's and Don'ts
+ How to Adapt Practice for Each Body and Phase
+ Learn Yoni Massage*
+ Female Deer Qi Gong
+ Uterus Meditation

*See FAQ's Below

Week 5: Re-Framing Normal

Out of Victim-ship, Into Author-ship

In this class we shift from medical myth to feminine reality. You are not confined by the limited knowledge and diagnoses of the gyno-illogical establishment. This class will focus on empowered perspectives relating to our sexuality and womb health so that we can become the experts of our own bodies. You are the voice, heart and map to this mystical realm we call female health and pleasure! We will discuss the epidemic of sexual suppression and how to break out of that by activating and circulating our energy in revitalizing ways.  We will vanquish the stigma around STIs, vaginal and menstrual imbalances, birth injury and fear, aging, and bodily functions. We will cover a daily energy medicine routine created by Donna Eden, that boosts all our energy centers, meridians, immune function, mental clarity, and overall well-being. We will also continue our Jade Egg practice. This class is juicy. It may run a bit longer. Amend your schedules accordingly.

+ Knowledge and Wisdom for Interpreting Your Body's Messages
+ From Suppression to Expression
+ Intro to Homeopathy

+ Medical Re-Framing, Normal vs Common
+ Eden Daily Energy Routine
+ Jade Egg Exercise*
+ Heart-Womb Meditation

*See FAQ's Below


Week 6: Rewilding

Our Cyclical Nature


In this class we will talk about how to optimize our cycles and how to tune into our natural rhythms, supporting effortless and harmonious living. The river doesn't effort rapids, the buds don't effort blossoming, and the seasons don't effort weather. Cyclical nature is what is real and true in the moment. A forest fire is an honest expression of natural landscapes being out of balance. Natural dysfunction, disharmony and disaster are invitations to take a closer look and change our protocols. We will learn the hormone cycles of Western physiology and how to balance our energy levels to get the most out of each day. We will also work on some core strengthening exercises to boost energy, reverse aging, clear the mind, and have our health activated.

+ Ancient Tibetan Exercises
+ Hormone Cycles
+ Energy Medicine and Tapping for Endocrine System

+ Natural vs Control Technologies for Contraception
+ Re-Wilding Techniques
+ Heart-Womb Meditation
+ Jade Egg Practice

Week 7: Surrender-ship

The Art of Receiving

For our final class, there will be time for Q&A, sharing, and a closing ceremony. We will discuss how to keep this work going beyond the container of our gatherings so that it can continue to grow and be the fuel for your life.

The series is $750
Payment plans are available

To book, click the link above and *send me an email with a bit about you* and whether you would like to Pay-in-Full or set up a Payment-Plan.



One-on-One Session: I am offering a Mini Embodiment Session (30 minutes). This is time with me outside of class to check in and discuss what is coming up for you. We can also cover material if you missed a class. If you would like more time with me, the remaining time will be prorated at my Embodiment Session Rates ($60/half hour).

Jade Egg + Materials: I will provide responsibly sourced, pure Nephrite Jade Eggs and all other class materials ($150+ value).

Weekly Herbal Elixirs: Themed to engage your senses and support your immuno-sovereignty.

Integration: For those who complete this series, I am offering discounts on my one-on-one sessions for one year.


If you would like to hear more or are wondering if this series is a good fit for you, please contact me directly at and we can chat via email or set up a phone call where I can answer any questions that are coming up for you. 

Also feel free to contact me regarding the payment plans, trades, partial scholarship application/requirements, or how to make this work for you.

With all the love in my heart and womb,

.:. Leydon

"This class series was not only exceptionally beautiful to be a part of, it was an entirely important piece of my journey. Regardless of how tired and gravitational my body felt or looping my thoughts were after a bustling Monday work day, landing in to a circle of curious and courageous women every week recirculated passion through my veins. I was in denial of how much I craved intentional community and by saying yes to this course I remembered the utter love and beauty that arises when heart-centered humans come together. I continue to thank myself and Leydon for encouraging me to say yes. 


The quality of intention Leydon crafted in the space was warming, from the interactive altar space to the music she chose to welcome us in and guide us out. And as an extra touch, [her assiastant] offering energetic cleansing rituals before we entered the barn. To me, this gave the affect as if I were reentering the womb and it always seemed to soften my energy and draw me close to my heart. I had the pleasure of bringing seasonal herbal infusions to share with everyone each Monday eve. And, magically, their medicinal gifts often aligned perfectly with the theme of the class that night. Speaking on behalf of the plants was medicine for me and my expression journey. 


Leydon is truly a wonderful teacher, a co-learner, a bridger of metaphysical medicine. She listens with her whole being and expresses every ounce of honesty she feels. She lives these practices and therefore speaks with many moons of experience, offering resources for further study as well as contacts for local healing practitioners. Simply put, I learn by just witnessing Leydon in her essence. She full-body loves what she learns and shares. 


The course teachings and practices were mostly new to me. I brought in a few of the teachings to my morning loving rituals and felt their pronounced gifts after consistent practice. I am inspired to continue experiencing and healing my womb, my voice, my sensuality, my sexuality, and my magic with the confidence I garnered during this Rooted Feminine Embodiment series. 


Thank you Leydon. I love you!"


Frequently Asked Question's

What if I miss a class?
You can use your one-on-one mini session to cover the some of the material from that class. Or schedule a full session with me (additional cost). Each class is action and information packed, so I encourage you to make it to every one.

Will I have to undress in class?
You will be fully clothed for the classes. By personal choice, some women may choose to be fully exposed during breast massage practices.  During Jade Egg work, you will have the option to undress from the waist down under the cover of a blanket and be able to maintain privacy from your neighboring classmates. This is a safe and trusting environment, and although the class content is intimate in nature, professionalism and respect will be upheld at all times. It is natural that humor is a release valve when you feel vulnerable. However, understand that everyone has a unique history and process in relationship to their sexuality. I ask that all cross commentary be reserved for consensual and out of class dialogues.

Can I attend these classes if I don't have breasts or a uterus?
Yes. We can still energetically address these areas of the body. However, this class does require an anatomical vagina. If you have had any pelvic or sex organ reconstruction or removal, please contact me so that I am aware.

Can I attend these class if I am peri/post menopausal?
YES! Oh my gosh, YES! This work debunks the myth of waning sexuality with age. You can lubricate abundantly and experience tremendous power and pleasure well past menopause.

Can I attend these classes / do these practices if I am pregnant?
Short answer, yes. Long answer, does this feel right for

Can I attend these classes if I am post-natal, breastfeeding, and/or not menstruating after giving birth?
Yes. This is a great time to reconnect with your body, fill your cup, and begin to regulate your hormones that are in flux post-partum.

Can I attend these classes if I have reproductive health complications like endometriosis, STI, PCOS, etc?
Absolutely, please do! Bring all of you and everything you are experiencing. A diagnosis does not define you, and we will be working directly on rewriting these stories and healing from these physical expressions.

Where can I get a Jade Egg from?
Jade Eggs are included in the class materials and costs.

What if I have my own Jade Egg?
You are welcome to bring your own Jade Egg. For the purposes of these practices, it will need to be a ethically sourced, pure Nephrite Jade Egg, medium sized and drilled.

Can I use a Jade Egg if I am pregnant?
Yes! It is great prep work for birth! And it is amazing for post-partum recovery (once you are ready and have been cleared by your intuition/midwife/doctor - usually after 6 weeks)

Can I use a Jade Egg if I have an IUD?
Yes! The likelihood of the egg dislodging the IUD is very low. This is a very gentle practice.


Photos 1, 2, 4, & 6 by Summer Wuerthner @lumis_memorie, Photo 5 by Amanda Carson @wildunfurling

New dates coming soon ~

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